6 research outputs found

    Oliveira Salazar : a "missao" pedagógica de "salvar" a pátria

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    Este trabalho, constituído por cinco partes e onze capítulos, tem como fio condutor a identificação da “missão” pedagógica de “salvar” a pátria de Oliveira Salazar. A ênfase na hipótese de que a sua educação familiar tutelada pela Igreja Católica e a formação seminarística enformaram as suas estratégias políticas e educativas, constitui a base da nossa argumentação. As suas estratégias políticas visavam regenerar uma sociedade “doente”, a precisar de ser expurgada dos vícios legados pela Primeira República: laicismo, modernismo, liberalismo e democracia. Exactamente os mesmos vícios que apontava a Igreja Católica, sua parceira nesta tarefa de “regeneração”.This work on Oliveira Salazar’s “pedagogical mission” has five parts and eleven chapters. Its main goal is to identify the “pedagogical mission” of saving the “Motherland“. Our argument stands in the believe that the familiar education portrayed by the Catholic Church and priest education are the base of the politics and educational policies led by Salazar. Salazar’s policies had as goal to regenerate the “ill” society, needing to be freed from the illness of the First Republic: laicism, modernism, liberalism and democracy. The same problems pointed out by the Catholic Church, the partner in this task of “regeneration”

    Globally Distributed Pendulum Experiment as an Educational Resource on e-lab

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    e-lab is a remote laboratory platform that provides access to several remote experiments in basic or advanced physics. Recent upgrades to itâ??s interface and new features introduced make it more accessible and appealing, but experimentâ??s attractiveness for teachers and students has been an issue. A new experiment intended to improve this aspect was introduced: the World Pendulum. Consisting in multiple identical pendulum apparatuses connected to e-lab and scattered throughout different locations across several countries. The World Pendulum is intended at exploring a unique feature allowed by remote experimentation â?? experimental repetition in different locations

    ITER CODAC interface for the visible and infra-red wide angle viewing cameras

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    The amount of data generated by the infra-red and visible cameras at ITER is expected to be considerably larger than most diagnostics. ITER will have 12 infra-red cameras plus 12 visible cameras in four different equatorial port plugs. Each of the ports will have a Plant System Host (PSH) that will provide a standard image of the plant system to the ITER's Control and Data Access and Communication (CODAC) system